Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Implications For Captain America: Civil War

7. The Hulk Disappears & Probably Won't Be In Civil War

At the end of Age of Ultron, The Hulk disappears in the Quinjet and cuts off contact with Black Widow, with the Quinjet later being recovered in the ocean and it being theorised that Bruce probably swam to an island, like Fiji. Given the expectations that the big green dude would end up in space to meet the Guardians of the Galaxy, it was pretty surprising that they kept him (relatively) grounded. All Hulk's little vacation really does is give him a reason not to be around during Civil War, because he'd probably seem too over-powered compared to most of his opponents, and it would just be ridiculous. That said, sending him into space would probably have made more sense, because if he's just soaking in the sun while his buddy Tony Stark is going to war, it doesn't seem quite right. At least if he's off on Planet Hulk or kicking it with Star-Lord, his absence would be more understandable.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.