Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Biggest Surprises That Will Get Fans Talking

8. The Vision Is Worthy

One of the great running jokes throughout Age Of Ultron is what it means to be €œworthy€ of lifting Thor's hammer. No euphemism intended. In fact it's kind of a shame that the trailers for the film relied so heavily on the particular sequence that introduces the joke, as the assembled Avengers shoot the sh*t after a party and get onto the subject of how his hammer works. Obviously, the egotistical Tony Stark believes he's figured out how to get the damn thing off the ground. He fails, even with the help of one of his robotic gloves, and with BFF Rhodey doing the same. Hakweye can't manage it either. The only member of the team that gives Thor any cause for concern is Captain America, who manages to shunt the hammer just a little off of the table, before it returns to its usual stable position. All of which is just set-up to a delicious pay-off: The Vision, the semi-synthetic android Tony and Bruce make by hijacking Ultron's plans for a more permanent body, proves to be the one member of the Avengers who is worthy of wielding Thor's hammer. Which he proves by nonchalantly handing the weapon over to the Norse god. And that simply provides more conversational fuel for Cap and Stark to pick over right at the end.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/