Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Biggest Surprises That Will Get Fans Talking

7. JARVIS Survives

Marvel announced ahead of time that Paul Bettany would be getting a promotion in Age Of Ultron, the English actor going from simply voicing Tony Stark's proprietary AI computer system JARVIS (short for Just a Rather Very Intelligent System, in case you were wondering) to actually playing a fully-fledged character with eyes and a body and stuff. Despite that announcement, they were uncharacteristically cagey about giving fans a proper look at The Vision, the character's eyes appearing only on the last trailer. That might have been so they could play into the impressive fake-out at the beginning of the film where, having €œliberated€ the experimental Ultron AI from the labs of Baron Strucker in Age Of Ultron's impressive opening action scene, the devious computer programme is awoken by JARVIS and then tears his fellow AI apart. There's a mention that the only reason Ultron later fails to gain access to nuclear access codes that would let him crush the Avengers with ease is €œsomebody€ keeping him out by constantly changing said codes. It's inferred that it's some secret agent, or hacker, or something, only for Stark to investigate and discover that JARVIS is alive and well, having scattered his data packets across the web. Smart program.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/