Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Key Characters Who Could Die

2. War Machine

Why He Could Die: With James "Rhodey" Rhodes - AKA War Machine, AKA the Iron Patriot - joining the Avengers cast comes a very obvious risk to the character's life. Tony Stark is said to be responsible for Ultron coming to exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and there will be no better way to emphasise his error in creating the robot than by having it kill his best friend. Don Cheadle's character falls in to the category of "important but disposable" and that could make him a prime suspect for an emotional death. It could be the instigation for Iron Man defeating Ultron and, ultimately, hanging up his armour. If any heroic character is going to die, Rhodey undoubtedly seems like the most likely. Why He Could Live: His death could destroy Tony Stark. If Marvel want Robert Downey Jr.'s character to leave on a high (which he deserves) having him responsible for the death of a good man - his best friend, nonetheless - then it will be unlikely that they'll give him that burden. There is also the fact that, once Downey Jr. departs, Rhodey could be the man to replace him as Iron Man in future movies - as he has done many times in the comics. Essentially, although he could die, there are some arguments that could save him. Likelihood: 7/10. Definitely the most likely of the heroes to die, but his fate isn't sealed yet. There could be more in store for Rhodey in future movies - big things, in fact.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.