Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Key Characters Who Could Die

1. Ultron

Why He Could Die: He's the antagonist. It happens a lot. Surely if anyone's going to die it'll be Ultron, right? We certainly think so and it stands to reason that, given the global catastrophe he appears to cause (going by early indications from set photos), he deserves to. Only Loki has been brought back after being the main villain in a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to date and, even with James Spader voicing the character, it's unlikely that a robot is going to prove as popular as the God of Mischief. He is a prime candidate for destruction at the movie's climax - most likely in a moment of glory from the Hulk or Hawkeye, if Kevin Feige's words are anything to go by (and they usually are). Why He Could Live: It's not as though all the defeated villains in previous Marvel Cinematic Universe movies have been killed off. Loki is still at large, Abomination is merely incarcerated, Red Skull was only sucked into a void and the Winter Soldier looks set to become a good guy. Marvel might, ultimately, want to put together a villainous team - and that could involve several villains who have already been used. Ultron could be a part of that - indeed, Ultron has led his own Masters of Evil team in the comics and been a part of Doctor Doom's Masters of Evil in a video game. Even if he does appear to perish in this movie, he could simply shift his consciousness in to a nearby machine and rebuild himself ready to appear later. Likelihood: 9/10. He's pretty much dead meat (or... dead metal), but there's always a chance that Marvel could surprise us. Nothing is a certainty in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but this is as close to being one as we can imagine. So there you have it - ten key characters who could die in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Of course, at this stage, it's all speculation, so what do you think? Do you agree with this list? Which other major characters could be killed off in this movie? Let us know in the comments box below.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.