Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Questions Fans Want Answering

3. Is Thanos Going To Appear?

As Thanos' starring role in the third Avengers movie gets closer and closer, every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie has an element of expectation about it regarding him making his presence felt. Finally, we saw him in all his glory in Guardians of the Galaxy and now we're expecting him to show his face everywhere as he looks to acquire all of the Infinity Gems and exact revenge on Earth for the failings of his army's attack on New York. As the next Avengers movie after this one will undoubtedly star the Mad Titan, it makes sense for him to appear - at least in some capacity - in Age of Ultron. It may just be at the very end or in or after the credits, but to see him arrive on Earth (or even viewing it remotely) in anticipation of him attacking it in the future would be amazing.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.