Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Questions Fans Want Answering

4. Will Any New Infinity Stones Be Introduced?

Most movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe of late introduce a new Infinity Stone. Guardians of the Galaxy introduced the Orb, Captain America: The Winter Soldier seemed to reveal that Loki's staff was actually housing an Infinity Stone without people realising and Thor: The Dark World introduced the Aether (and we'd already been introduced to the Tesseract quite early in Phase One). As Thanos has now fully emerged, and as it will him who first wields the completed Infinity Gauntlet, expect more to appear soon. But will it be in this movie that the next one appears? We might see the full power of Loki's staff and therefore be fully introduced to that Infinity Stone. As it's believed to be the Mind Stone, could it be that Hulk is fighting Iron Man in those pictures because he was mind-controlled in to doing so? Or will an entirely new Infinity Stone be introduced? Could Ultron be on the lookout for the latest item of power in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? One things's for sure - Thanos will be one step closer to his goal if a new one is introduced.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.