Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Questions Fans Want Answering

10. Does Hulk Go Rogue?

We have seen from concept art that Hulk will be engaging Iron Man's Hulbuster armour in Age of Ultron. We've also seen an actual prop of the powerful armour's bulky hand at Comic Con giving us an indication of what it will look like in live action. That said, we have no idea about the context of the battle between the green hero and the armour. Some people believe that it means the Hulk goes rogue and Iron Man is forced to combat him, but there's every chance - given the nature of the movie's main villain - that it could be an empty armour being controlled remotely by Ultron and that the Hulk is simply doing his heroic duty to stop it from attacking civilians. Regardless, it goes to show that we jump to conclusions very quickly, as very few people have considered the latter possibility.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.