Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Questions Fans Want Answering

9. What Will Vision's Powers Be?

We have known for some time that the android character Vision will be appearing in Age of Ultron. He will be voiced by Paul Bettany, who has voiced Tony Stark's artifical intelligence JARVIS since 2008's Iron Man, which gives the impression that he will be a Tony Stark creation. He is, of course, a creation of Ultron's in the comics - an android with control over his density, enabling him to phase through objects, though he does possess a number of other energy and technological based powers. But what will his powers be in this movie? Will he essentially be an automated Iron Man armour or will he have more exotic powers like in the comics? We think the answer will depend entirely on who his creator was in this continuity.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.