Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Questions Fans Want Answering

7. Will It Link To Ant-Man At All?

Ultron, of course, is a creation of Hank Pym in the comic books, but we are fully aware that's not the case in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tony Stark is responsible for his creation in this continuity and, as such, has to live with the guilt of his creation going rogue. However, given that Ant-Man is the movie that will follow Age of Ultron, it's hard to believe the movie won't link with it in some way. Will it merely be a scene in or after the credits? Or will it be a more interwoven link whereby Hank Pym is referred to or contacted to help with the Ultron problem? It will certainly be interesting finding out if this cool new hero has any involvement in this movie at all, even if it's just by way of a mention.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.