Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Questions Fans Want Answering

6. What Will Ultron's Final Form Be?

We've seen (or at least heard about) Ultron's somewhat skeletal form in the Comic Con footage in which he attacks the Avengers - we've also see the countless Ultron drones that are plaguing the Earth - but we have been led to believe that Ultron upgrades himself as this movie progresses so it will be very interesting to see what his final form is, given that it is likely that, by that time, he will be a physical threat to the entire Avengers team. Joss Whedon has already said that the robot won't be as powerful as his comic book self, but we imagine he's still going to be very formidable. Will he be made from the same material as Captain America's shield? Will he develop at least some esoteric superpowers? Will he duplicate any of the Avengers' powers? Will he be able to readily duplicate himself? The possibilities are literally endless and it will be awesome to see how it pans out.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.