Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 12 Things To Expect (That We Don't Know Already)

9. Time Travel

Okay, this is less of an expectation and more of a speculation but, given the inclusion of time travel in the comic book arc of the same name (indeed, it was key to the plot and the ultimate defeat of Ultron in the comic), we do potentially see time travel as being a possibility in the movie. One simple way it could become a plot point relates to the previous entry on this list - the Infinity Stones. Perhaps Age of Ultron could see the introduction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's equivalent of the Time Gem, in which case the titular heroes could use it to go back in time to prevent Ultron from being created - in the same way Wolverine and Sue Storm did so in the comics. As we've already stated, time travel is by no means something everyone is expecting to see in this movie, but its inclusion in the comics and the potential introduction of a new Infinity Stone means it will always be in the back of our minds until the movies' release.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.