The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Movie: 7 Things From The Comic Arc That Should Be Included

6. The Savage Land

Savage Land To give a brief history of the Savage Land, it's a prehistoric land in the comic books that is a warm, tropical preserve hidden within the frozen tundra of Antarctica. It was was created during the Triassic period by the alien Nuwali for another alien race, the Beyonders, for observation and research purposes. They used climate-controlling technology to keep it tropical amidst the otherwise freezing temperatures. After they got bored with their observation and research, they left, but they left behind a thriving ecosystem that would continue to exist until modern times. At one point in its history, a group of humans from Atlantis discovered the Savage Land and claimed it as their home. They experimented on the various species living in the Savage Land and forced them to work for them until they revolted. The Atlantians used the climate-controlling technology to expand the Savage Land. However, they were overthrown by the natives and the expanded areas in the Savage Land remained after they left. Many years later, the Savage Land was discovered by a man named Lord Robert Plunder who took back a metal which could liquefy all other metals. The discovery of this metal meant that others would want to steal his discovery, so he took his eldest son Kevin, and went back to the Savage Land to live in forced exile. However, Lord Robert Plunder was killed by a local tribe of Man-Apes, and Kevin grew up in the Savage Land, becoming the hero known as Ka-Zar. The land itself and the various creatures who reside there would make for one hell of a movie setting and, indeed, in Iron Man 2, Tony Stark opened a case that belonged to his father, Howard, which contained the first Captain America comic book, a home video, a journal and blueprints for the original arc reactor. If you look closely at the scene, you'll also notice a satellite photo and a map of Antarctica. On said map you can see an area annotated that matches up with the Savage Land's location in Marvel Comics continuity €“ so it may already exist in the Marvel cinematic universe, along with the likes of Wakanda and Atlantis which were also indicated on the map. With that in mind, it would be great if it was brought to light fully in the Age of Ultron movie. In the Age of Ultron comic book arc, the Savage Land is the location that the heroes find a hidden bunker. They find Nick Fury there, who relates his plan to go into the future with a strike force to defeat Ultron before he attacks the present. It would be an ideal remote location for the plan to come to light in the movie.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.