Avengers: Age Of Ultron Spoilers - 10 Moments That Are Going To Rule

9. Black Widow's Past?

A brief flash in the second trailer shows Black Widow in her younger days (hence the youthful fringe and ear-rings), having her face forcibly pushed down onto a medical gurney of some sort by an unseen figure wearing what looks suspiciously like a HYDRA uniform. So that's another flash-back sequence, and one that will finally give some hint into how she became the widow. It's inevitable that Black Widow will be the key to bringing the Twins into the Avengers: she went through almost the exact same indoctrination process, turning her into the super assassin she is now, and she's obviously from a similar area of the world. So it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine that she plays the big sister role to them, having had her past brought back to her jarringly by their appearance. This may also explain where Andy Serkis' secondary villain comes in? He does look like your typical torturer type, but then information on his character (beyond speculation that he will become Ulysses Klaw) is so tight that he could well just be a scientist Ultron forces to help upgrade him. If he's Klaw, he clearly has knowledge of Vibranium.

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