Avengers: Age Of Ultron Spoilers - 10 Moments That Are Going To Rule

8. Ultron's Entrance And Death Number 1

Joss Whedon has promised that the stakes in Age Of Ultron will be amped up considerably by a number of deaths - or at least that's what his hints have led fans to believe (particularly since he's notoriously trigger happy) - and that can only mean bad things for supporting characters who probably don't have a lot to do. One supposed script leak (which probably isn't authentic, but may be on the right track) featured a scene in which Ultron goads Tony Stark in particular at his inferiority as a "creator" and flexes his own muscles by taking over Iron Patriot's suit and then killing Jim Rhodes as Stark stands helplessly by. That would fit with the Frankenstein allegory, and would add an emotional pin-prick to Stark's own arc without costing the story a massively important character too early in the running. Rhodey might have been a good side-kick sort of figure in the Iron Man films, but in the Avengers he's no more than an interesting distraction, and killing Stark's best friend would be the kind of trigger necessary for Stark to lose his own grip a little.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.