Avengers: Age Of Ultron Spoilers - 10 Moments That Are Going To Rule

5. Everyone Hates Tony

From the way the two trailers have played out, it seems that this could well have been the secondary sub-title for the Avengers sequel. The trailer shows Iron Man clashing with Thor as well as Hulk, and the storyline suggests that he is not only to blame for the creation of Ultron, but also held accountable for it. In the run up to Civil War, Stark clearly has to take a pretty major stand against the other Avengers to try and push through the superhero registration act - if that is indeed how Civil War manifests on screen (without Spider-Man something has to change in the plot). For him to already be a pariah by the end of Age Of Ultron would make sense for that narrative progression, and you get the sense that the film is going to focus on Stark's problematic leadership in the wake of Nick Fury's escape underground as a major theme. And that image of Stark as the misguided idealist leader who still has an ego problem is very alluring.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.