Avengers: Age Of Ultron Spoilers - 10 Moments That Are Going To Rule

6. Vision

The most conspicuous absentee from almost all of the pre-release material and indeed both trailers so far has been Paul Bettany's Vision, who is apparently set to play an important role in the final act of the film. Rumour (and reasonable supposition) has it that Ultron liberates JARVIS from his "constraints" as Stark's butler and gives him a body in some sort of misguided quest for his own offspring. Will Vision then rebel against his "father" and realign himself with Stark? It would be a pleasantly cyclical narrative revelation to have the creation of the creation who tried to kill his own creator kill him. Confusingly stated perhaps, but it's basically the idea of God creating man, man attempting to destroy God, and man's own obsession with science and over-reaching killing him in an ironic twist. So far, all that's been released is a tease of how the character looks (no major departure from the comics, unsurprisingly)

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