Avengers: Endgame - 10 Best Gags Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Antman And The Hulk

Rocket Racoon BuildABear
Taco Buena

Professor Hulk and Antman's relationship in this movie is very cute. Combining the littlest Avenger with the biggest and greenest one was a genius move, with the two meeting and competing from the outset when they regroup five years after the snap.

It's there that Hulk is accosted by fans who want to take a picture with him, and Scott Lang offers himself up for a picture only to realise he isn't Hulk-level famous, and that kids want nothing to do with him. Poor Scott. Even more poor Scott when Hulk drops a dab and still gets off better than him.

Having this in the lead up to the moment outside, when Antman is trying to eat a taco until it gets blown into smithereens by the spaceship taking off, makes the payoff even better too. Hulk comes out with his carefully arranged lunch and knowingly, carefully drops a replacement taco into Scott's hands before calmly walking away.

It's absurdly hilarious. As is everything that Paul Rudd does.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.