Avengers: Endgame - 10 Shocking MCU Cameos We Could Get

6. Jane Foster

Thor Jane Foster
Marvel Studios

After rather publicly stating that she really, really didn’t like being in the MCU movies, Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster hasn’t been seen since 2013’s Thor The Dark World. Given the lacklustre performances and her shoehorned role in, arguably, the weakest film in the series, she’s not overly missed.

The problems behind the scenes between the actress and Marvel always looked like they’d likely keep her away fro good, but a lot has changed in the intervening 6 years. The controversial Creative Committee is no more, everyone seems to enjoy the process a lot more, and Portman has said she’d be open to a return.

Add to that the fact the Russo’s refused to say whether or not she’d lived or died in the snap because it was a “potential spoiler”. Given that she’s one of the planet’s foremost scientific minds, there’s a very obvious role for her to play in the film if indeed she appears.

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