Avengers: Endgame - 10 Shocking MCU Cameos We Could Get

5. Monica Rambeau

Captain Marvel Monica Rambeau
Marvel Studios

This is an intriguing one, as the Monica Rambeau we could get in Endgame would not be the same Monica Rambeau we remember from Captain Marvel. Mostly because there has been some considerable time passed since.

However the young daughter of Carol Danvers' BBF4LYF has her own storied history in the world of Marvel and, indeed, is so inspired but her sort-of Aunt that she goes on to become a hero in her own right. There were more than enough hints in Captain Marvel’s standalone film to suggest that’s an avenue they’re going to explore.

She’s been Photon, Pulsar, Spectrum and, originally, used the moniker Captain Marvel itself. How she actually gets her powers has varied across the different comics but, basically, she inherits some form of superdoings, and seeks out the Avengers to help her learn how to use and control them. Eventually growing up to join the group.

Coincidentally when Endgame picks up she’ll a) be an actual grown up and b) about to cross paths with her long lost pal Carol. The exact perfect ground for which to develop her own hero story.

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