Avengers: Endgame - 10 Things Marvel Don't Want You To Know

2. Crossbones And The Ancient One Appear

Captain America Civil War Crossbones
Marvel Studios

The Spoiler

Though both are dead, we've had confirmation that secondary villain Crossbones, who died at the beginning of Civil War, and Doctor Strange's mentor The Ancient One are both back for Endgame. Don't expect extended roles for them though: Crossbones will only be in a flashback and it seems the same is probably true for The Ancient One. Perhaps thanks to Tony Stark's BARF technology?

How Do We Know?

Frank Grillo is a different breed of spoiler leaker to Paltrow and the other cast-members, because he doesn't seem to give a sh*t about doing it. And it's down to him that we have this information.

He spoke to the UFC Unfiltered podcast (via The Hollywood Reporter) in October 2018 to reveal that he's back:

"He makes an appearance in the next Avengers movie, but it's a flashback. I'm allowed to say whatever I want because I'm never doing another Marvel movieā€¦ I'm 117 years old."

Handily for Marvel, Grillo's namesake executive producer Michael Grillo also spoke about how hard it was to coordinate shooting schedules and confirmed that Tilda Swinton had been particularly difficult to nail down:

"When we got Tilda Swinton, she was just a one-day availability."

So, that's The Ancient One involved too, then.


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