Avengers: Endgame: 12 Post-Credits Scenes We Most Want To See

7. A Secret Wars Set-Up

Secret Wars 1984 Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

Phase 4 is going to require some serious story-telling to work out how the mutants and Fantastic Four can join the pre-existing MCU and one option could definitely be the possibility of alternate dimensions. Given the powers of the Infinity Stones, we could see side-effects of the reversal of the Decimation like rifts in space that bring other universes together.

Or, even better, we could see Marvel give the Russos what they want and use Phase 4 to build up to a Secret Wars event. That could start with just one hero (even a minor one) who is presumed dead still waking up in the post-credits scene not on Earth but on a strange world, revealed ominously to be Battle World.

Secret Wars is definitely an event big enough to fill the void left by the Infinity Saga and it's not like we can have the Secret Invasion arc we were all expecting now, is it?


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