Avengers Endgame: 15 Under-Appreciated Moments (That Deserve More Love)

3. Captain Marvel Brings Tony Home

Professor Hulk
Marvel Studios

Captain Marvel's more awe-inspiring moments, showing off the extent of her cosmic power, were certainly a popular talking point. The scene where she takes down Thanos's ship and helps turn the tide of battle is one of the movie's most memorable "Oh sh*t!" moments, for sure. But with that on the forefront of people's minds, her other great feat, possibly more impactful to the Marvel universe in the long run, is often forgotten.

Her first appearance in Endgame was beautifully done, with soft music and an even softer light coming in a moment of despair, breaking up the darkness of space.

She looked almost like a biblical angel, ethereal in appearance, and if viewers had somehow missed watching her feats of incredible power in her own film, it was well established here, when the other Avengers watch her slowly but surely fly the ship down into the compound Superman-style, having carried it by herself all the way from wherever Tony and Nebula had been lost in space.

It's a great moment for how quiet but impactful it was, matching the somber beginning of the film without scrimping on showing off her raw power.


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com || hinaypod.com