Avengers Endgame: 15 Under-Appreciated Moments (That Deserve More Love)

4. Nebula And Tony

Professor Hulk
Marvel Studios

One of the most low-key heartbreaking and sweet scenes in the film was Tony and Nebula's short stint stranded in space, where Tony treated her with more kindness and affection than she ever got before joining the Guardians of the Galaxy.

It's proven soon enough with Morgan Stark that Tony takes on the role of father very well, and whether or not it was this burgeoning fatherly instinct that made Nebula care about Tony, for lack of any real fatherly kindness in her own life, she was almost childlike in her admittance that she "had fun" playing paper football with Tony while they were stranded out in space.

Nebula's kindness overall, her care for Tony, helping patch his injuries up and keeping him alive by making sure he was fed, and even going so far as to ensure he was comfortable in his recovery, showed such a meaningful side of her that's rarely seen when she's usually so busy trying to kill or survive being killed. She was soft, she was sweet, and genuinely caring, and their time together was shot beautifully and simply as one of the best, poignant moments of the film.


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com