Avengers: Endgame - 2 MAJOR Plot-Holes FINALLY Solved

1. Why Do They Go To The Wrong Place?!

The Benatar Endgame
Marvel Studios

The Plot-Hole

In the time heist, Black Widow and Hawkeye are tasked with going to Vormir to take the Soul Stone, while Nebula and War Machine are to go to Morag to take the Power Stone.

All of the pairs travel through time (and space) to the exact destination they need to (or near enough) without any issues, so why do Hawkeye and Widow travel to Morag first and then use the shrunken Benatar rather than simply going straight to their intended destination?

The Answer

It isn't because of unknown coordinates, because they still got to their destination without having to learn anything on Morag. It was literally just a stop-off. But the reason comes in a cut scene, according to the screenwriters.

The reason the pair had to go to Morag was that Thanos was on Vormir so the pair couldn't jump there directly. The tweet answer doesn't explain it as clearly as you'd hope, but here's the gist...

And if you're wondering what that scene looked like, we can thank Jeremy Renner for revealing it at Ace Comic-Con and the fact that it was all shot:

"We shot it, and it’s very different from what’s in the movie now. It’s a scene we re-shot because it was much more complicated [than the] scene that’s in Endgame now. There’s an attack, Thanos is in some ship or something, and a bunch of weird aliens were running around and it was too complicated, so what they did is we shot the scene, still with the same kind of idea, but now we’re just fighting each other to commit suicide for the Soul Stone."

This actually explains why Black Widow and Hawkeye are sent to the planet and why they take the Benatar. They're warriors by trade, they're teaming up for their redone Budapest moment and they need the ship to fight Thanos in his ship. That's why they have to go to Morag first, as a sort of base to launch their attack from.

Because the scene was changed so late (six months before release, in fact), there was just no time to change the Morag scene too.


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