Avengers Endgame: 5 Things You Didn't Know About Ronin

2. Hawkeye Was Only Ronin For Two Years

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Hawkeye initially took up the mantle of Ronin following Civil War, using it to better mask his identity while he was being hunted by Iron Man and the US government.

However, while his tenure in the role may have been an enjoyable one, it serving him through both Secret Invasion and the following Dark Reign, he only used the identity for rather a short period.

It's amazing then, that Marvel has decided to take the character in this direction on-screen, especially with how Hawkeye hasn't really been seen using anything but his classic bow and arrow in the MCU, making this new direction quite the change from the Clint Barton we've previously seen Jeremy Renner play.

Will it last longer than the comic book version though? Well, that remains to be seen.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!