Avengers: Endgame - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

34. Wong

Avengers Endgame Wong
Marvel Studios

After making everyone want a tuna melt in Infinity War and disappearing to protect the multiverse - becauser he is a stone cold G - Wong reappears in the climactic battle to lead the sorcerors (of who there are surprisingly numerous considering the events of Doctor Strange seemed to have wiped a fair few of them out) and gets to show off his magical skills.

He gets one line - a VERY tongue-in-cheek, might-as-well-be-at-the-audience "what, you wanted more" when all of the heroes return to battle - but more importantly, his magical shield (which inspires the other sorcerors to cast the same) protect a lot of other characters from being shot from above when Thanos orders his ship to open fire.

33. Happy Hogan

Spider Man Far From Home Jon Favreau Happy Hogan
Marvel Studios

While Happy has a grand total of just one scene - Tony Stark's heartbreaking memorial - he does get one of the most tear-jerking lines of the entire film. Because he's always been committed to Tony (and his family), having him look after Morgan in the wake of the memorial and offering to get her "all of the cheeseburgers" is about the most emotionally true moment in the whole thing.

If you're a parent and you managed to get through that bit without ugly crying, you've got a heart of stone.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.