Avengers: Endgame - Everything That Changes If The Heroes Steal The Infinity Stones From The Past

3. Dormammu Takes Over The Universe, Mordo Remains A Sorceror

Dormammu Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

Make no mistake, had he gone through his training, Doctor Strange would still exist without the Time Stone. He would still be prodigiously talented and he would probably still go on to become one of the most powerful Sorcerors. But it wouldn't have counted for much as Dormammu would have been able to infect our universe with the Dark Dimension.

In Strange's solo movie, Kaecillius' target is the ancient library and the dark magic secrets guarded by Wong (and his predecessor), rather than the Eye Of Agamotto. Crucially, they're also successful in achieving their goal of opening a portal to his dimension, but it's only Strange's use of the Time Stone that subverts catastrophe.

If you remove that device, you remove Strange's means to save the universe and Dormammu wins. Not even Thanos could argue with that. But as a side bonus, Karl Mordo would have remained a zealous Sorceror as he wouldn't have witnessed Strange mess with the natural order of things. Well, for as long as he survived Dormammu's reign of terror, anyway.

Even more fundamentally, though, Strange would never have made it to becoming a trained Sorceror. Without Cap being frozen and reawoken in the future, HYDRA's Uprising would have been successful and all of the marked targets - including one Dr Steven Strange - would have been wiped out by their Helicarrier superweapons.

No Stones, no Strange.

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