Avengers: Endgame - How Every Main Character Will Be Totally Different

5. Ant-Man

Avengers Endgame Super Bowl Ant Man
Marvel Studios


The last we saw of Scott Lang, he was trapped in the Quantum Realm after the Decimation wiped out Hank Pym and the Van Dynes. He was very much in peril and at the mercy of an unforgiving environment pitted with dangerous time vortexes.


The immediate big change for Lang will be that he escapes the Quantum Realm. The first Endgame trailer revealed that he escapes the Realm at some point in time, with lots of speculation suggesting that he ends up at some point in the past. The 90s would make sense, as it would provide a link to Captain Marvel, but Janet Van Dyne's warning about the time vortexes seemed to suggest that they wouldn't be that forgiving.

If he is indeed catapulted through time, Scott will be different to the other Avengers, in that he won't have had to go through the extended mourning period the others have. He probably won't be involved in the first mission to undo the Decimation and his appearance will probably kick off the second one.

Other than that, he's likely to be much the same as he was in Ant-Man And The Wasp, in all honesty. It'll just be nice to seee him become a key player, rather than a side concern in the MCU.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.