Avengers: Endgame - How Every Main Character Will Be Totally Different

6. Black Widow

Black Widow Endgame Trailer


When we met Widow in Infinity War, she, Cap and Falcon were operating underground as the Secret Avengers, taking advantage of all of her history as a Soviet-sponsored spy. She was still the same ass-kicking assassin, only she came with a blonde bob this time.

On top of that, her romantic link to Bruce Banner appeared to be done with. Which is a good thing, since it was one of the more superfluous plot points introduced in Age Of Ultron.


Widow will presumably start Endgame as she ended Infinity War, looking for a way to stop Thanos (and now to undo what he'd done). According to the trailer material we have seen, the first act will see her and Cap taking a lead on whatever mission they identify as the means to "fixing" the universe and by the look of it, that will fail.

After the time jump, Widow will then seemingly revert back to the role she played in the first Avengers. Complete with longer hair (to show the passage of time no doubt), she'll be the one to go after Ronin to re-recruit him for the second attempt to undo the Decimation. The big change for her, this time, though, will be that she no longer has to operate in the shadows.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.