Avengers: Endgame - Mysteries Answered

4. Doctor Strange's "Endgame" Plan

Avengers Infinity War Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch
Marvel Studios

The mystery the entire film is titled around, Doctor's Strange's endgame plan has been a source of intrigue since Infinity War. In that movie, the Sorcerer Supreme peered into millions of possible outcomes of Thanos' conquest, and discovered that there was only one reality in which the Avengers were able to come out on top.

It seemed as though he was able to set that into motion before he died in Infinity War by giving the Time Stone to Thanos, uttering the now-iconic "we're in the endgame now" line to Tony Stark before disappearing.

This endgame turns out to be pretty much everything that happens in this new movie, but more specifically, Tony Stark's sacrifice. Tony asks Strange during Endgame's climax whether or not they're in the reality where they win, to which he doesn't reply because if he does, then it can't happen.

However, later Strange gives Tony the signal that this is indeed the winning play, which prompts him to use the gauntlet and save the day.


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