Avengers: Endgame - Mysteries Answered

1. Is Captain America Worthy Enough To Wield Mjolnir?

Avengers Age Of Ultron Vision Mjolnir
Marvel Studios

Ever since Age of Ultron saw Steve Rogers ever so slightly move Mjolnir (to the hilarious shock of Thor), fans have wondered whether or not Captain America would be deemed worthy enough to wield the weapon on screen.

If Vision was allowed to hold the weapon, then surely Captain America, the most virtuous of all the Avengers, would do it one point, right?

Well, out of nowhere in Endgame, Captain America not only picked up Mjolnir, but summoned it to save Thor from being beheaded by Thanos. In one of the most fan-pleasing moments in any film ever, Cap wielded freaking lightning and started tearing apart the Mad Titan's army.

Fans have always known Cap has been more than worthy, and it's so cool it was finally confirmed on-screen before he bowed out of the MCU for good.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3