Avengers: Endgame - Mysteries Answered

9. Pepper Potts' Pregnancy

Avengers Infinity War Pepper Potts
Marvel Studios

Whether or not Pepper Potts was pregnant during the events of Infinity War was a debate that raged for months following the film's release. Her conversation with Tony at the beginning made it clear that children were potentially on the cards, and Gwyneth Paltrow's comments post-release seemed to confirm that Pepper was indeed preggo.

Consequently, many fans assumed that Pepper's impending childbirth would fuel Iron Man's motivation in Endgame, which was pretty close to being spot on. Rather than being pregnant, after catching up with the Starks following the five-year jump, it's established that they've settled down and already have a child, a young girl called Morgan.

It's this new family that's kept Tony going, and why he's initially reluctant to risk even more loss when the rest of the Avengers come calling.


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