Avengers: Endgame - Mysteries Answered

7. How Tony And Nebula Get Back To Earth

Avengers Endgame Tony Stark

The ending of Infinity War wasn't only a total defeat because half the life in the universe had been extinguished, but because two of the remaining heroes who could do anything about it, Tony Stark and Nebula, were trapped on an alien planet with seemingly no way of getting back home.

Marvel knew their journey back to Earth would be a major talking point, and the early trailers for Endgame revolved around Tony still being stuck in space, drumming up mystery even further. Later trailers confirmed that he did indeed get back, but how and when were still kept secret.

However, Endgame has a pretty quick and straightforward explanation for Tony and Nebula's return. Namely: Captain Marvel did it. In the final film, on the cusp of starving to death, they're saved by Carol who uses her powers to fly the ship back to Earth. How she managed to find them in the vastness of space, however, is a mystery unto itself.


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