Avengers: Endgame - Mysteries Answered

6. Can Captain Marvel Defeat Thanos?

Captain Marvel Brie Larson
Marvel Studios

Speaking of Captain Marvel, the big mystery surrounding her imminent appearance (and imminent solo movie) following Infinity War was whether or not she'd have the power to defeat Thanos. Fans knew that she was supposedly the most powerful hero the MCU had ever seen, which led many to wonder whether or not she'd simply be used as a Deus Ex Machina who'd show up and instantly kick Thanos' a**.

In a way, that is exactly what happened. Captain Marvel shows up weeks after the Decimation, and her and a gang of heroes head straight to Thanos (now heavily beaten) and kill him without much trouble. Of course, the proper fight comes at the end, and while she isn't the actual one to kill the Mad Titan of 2014, she certainly causes a huge problem for him, destroying a good chunk of his army without breaking a sweat.

She's vital to the fight, but she isn't the easy fix many were worried she would be.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3