Avengers: Endgame - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. So, What About Far From Home?

Spider Man Far From Home Avengers Tower
Marvel Studios

One of the more immediate implications of the time jump and bringing everyone back falls upon Spider-Man: Far From Home, which releases in July and will be the final movie of Phase 3 (when it was previously expected to kick off Phase 4).

It's previously been stated that Spider-Man: Far From Home takes place immediately after Endgame, but this film leaves some big questions about that. If it is after, then that means it's taking place in 2023, which is seven years after Homecoming. That should mean a lot of Peter's friends have already graduated, but we see him reunite with Ned here, who hasn't aged. If it is set after Endgame, then that means they're going to have to explain that all of Peter's friends - not necessarily the whole school, but all those who matter - were Decimated. Which isn't impossible, but is... convenient.

The alternative is that this is actually set before Infinity War. That would explain why he doesn't have the Infinity War/Endgame suit - although he might simply stop using it because of Tony's death - and would get around the timeline issues. It's what they did with Ant-Man and the Wasp, which came out in the equivalent time slot last year, so is a real possibility, and it's not like Marvel have never lied before. Still, the idea of seeing Peter having to deal with the death of Tony Stark means they should set this after Endgame, even if it requires more explanations of what's happened.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.