Avengers: Every Single Deleted Scene From Endgame & Infinity War

27. Smart Hulk's Original Debut

Avengers Endgame Deleted Scene
Marvel Studios

Smart Hulk's debut in Endgame came as something of a shock to fans, but perhaps not as much of a shock as the recent revelation that he was initially supposed to debut at the end of Infinity War. And yes, it has everything to do with that trailer that showed Hulk with The Avengers in footage that just never surfaced in the film.

Banner's battle with Obsidian was supposed to lead to a major argument with his green other half that was much more volatile than the one we actually saw in Infinity War, before the pair quickly worked out their issues and Smart Hulk burst out of the Hulkbuster iron suit and sent Thanos' monster up, up and away. He would then cross paths with Natasha - who tried to calm him like she did in Age of Ultron, only to realise that Hulk and Banner were now one in the same.

In the end, the creative team felt that the scene would have been too triumphant for the heartbreaking end of the movie and thus rewrote it, leaving Banner to do all the heavy-lifting and pushing the evolution to the sequel.

It is a bit of a conflicting issue because, yes, it would have been much better than the 18 months off-screen explanation we got in Endgame, but it probably wouldn't have worked in Infinity War either.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.