Avengers: Every Single Deleted Scene From Endgame & Infinity War

14. Hulk And Banner At The Way Station

Avengers Endgame Deleted Scene
Marvel Studios

When Thanos snapped his fingers in Infinity War with the Stones in his possession, he was transported to the Way Station and came face-to-face with a younger Gamora. The same was also supposed to happen to Tony when he did it at the end of Endgame - as a later deleted scene will confirm - but it seems that everyone forgot about the fact that Hulk also snapped midway through the film. Well, almost everyone.

During the Endgame Watch Party, a fan asked about Hulk, and Markus responded, revealing that they had written a scene between Bruce and Hulk that never came to fruition.

Given how emotional the other two Way Station scenes were designed to be, it would have been really interesting to see how this one differed.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.