Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

2. Odin's Trophy Room (Thor)

The earliest foreshadowing of Avengers: Infinity War - and arguably the most exciting for fans - came in 2011's Thor. When a couple of Frost Giants attempted to raid Odin's trophy room to acquire the Casket of Ancient Winters (and were subsequently... well... destroyed by the Destroyer armour), an Infinity Gauntlet could clearly be seen - albeit for just a split second - in the background. Thor was just the fourth movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and everything that had been released up to that point in the franchise - Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 - was extremely grounded by comic book standards (and indeed the standards we are now familiar with in the MCU), so seeing something as cosmic in nature as the Infinity Gauntlet was extremely exciting. We now know that the people at Marvel Studios knew what they were doing including the item in Odin's vault, as it will go on to become one of the key items in the biggest comic book movie event of all time.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.