Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

3. What Thor Learnt (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

In 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor gained information about the potential future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in two different ways. Although only one of those scenes made it into the cinematic release of the movie, the knowledge he gained from each experience stuck with him in the movie's canon. First of all, he was forced to experience a vision thanks to Scarlet Witch's powers. The vision took him to Asgard, where Heimdall warned him of a coming threat, which is likely to be the events that will unfold in Thor: Ragnarok. However, given the nature of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you have to believe this will some way link in with the Infinity War. More importantly, when Thor went to that weird cave to speak with the mystical Norns (which you may have seen in a deleted scene that was made public after the movie's release), he was given explicit information about the Infinity Stones. At the end of the movie, having acquired all of this information, he headed back to Asgard to look into it, stating that four Infinity Stones appearing in such a short amount of time means someone's planning something. Thanos, anyone?

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.