Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Characters Thanos Should Bring Back

2. Ronan The Accuser

Ronan Guardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Studios


Foiled in his vengeful attempt to destroy Xandar, Ronan was finally defeated when the Guardians Of The Galaxy combined to re-channel the power of the Power Stone and blasted him.

Current Whereabouts

"Killed" by the Power Stone, but that doesn't mean he's dead. He could just have been absorbed.

Why He Needs To Come Back

Because Thanos needs recognisable henchmen, partly, and also because his death was a moment of triumph that the Guardians built their whole spirit upon. Undoing that victory would be a delightful f*ck you to them.

There is the SMALL issue of him having defied Thanos, but if the Titan used the Soul Stone to revive him, he could presumably also use the same means to control him. And an obedient Ronan would be a good addition to Thanos' army.


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