Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Secret Details Revealed Since Release

3. That WAS Soulworld

Infinity War Soul World
Marvel Studios

When Gamora died, a lot of Guardians fans will have been confused by the suggestion that she was going to have an expanded role in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 (according to James Gunn at least). The only answer could be that her death won't last, but the problem there is that she wasn't killed in the snap. She was thrown off a cliff, which is often a difficult thing to reverse.

So, how could she possibly come back? Theorists quickly turned towards that final scene between the young Gamora and her father after the snap. Could that be an indication she was alive? Could it have been an expression of her being trapped within the Soul Stone? In other words, could it be Soulworld?

Well, Joe Russo has added lots of fuel to that particular fire in conversation with students in Iowa (as reported by Iowa City Press-Citizen) by confirming the vision does indeed take place in Soulworld:

“Yeah it’s implied [that] it’s the Soul Stone. It’s all orange around, then he’s inside the Soul Stone with the amount of power that it took to snap his fingers – he has this out of body experience with Thanos. When he goes inside the Soul Stone he has this kind of conversation with the younger version of his Gamora.”

And when he was asked if she is still alive inside the Soul Stone he confirmed as much:

“She in fact is, yes. It was an attempt on our part – because we don’t like two dimensional roles or three dimensional villains every villain is a hero in their own story and as insane and psychotic and brutal and violent as Thanos is he’s a more complex villain if you go on a journey with him emotionally. He does care for things and it is complicated for him to execute his plan and it cost him something. He said at the end that it cost him everything and that it was the only thing he loved which was Gamora which is why we put him back with her at the end. I just want to reiterate with the audience that he does feel true emotion even though he is a monster.”

Could that be a key to Thanos himself undoing it?


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