Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Things Marvel Don't Want You To Know

3. Xandar's Destruction

Xandar Guardians of The Galaxy
Marvel Studios

The Spoiler:

Xandar is going to join the list of ex-planets also including Alderaan, and it might well happen in the first five minutes of Infinity War as a show of Thanos' strength.

The Evidence:

This is down to some strong detective work and putting together information we can easily assume. So, we know that the first Infinity Stone Thanos gets his hands on is the Power Stone (as it's already in place when he adds the Space Stone in the trailer), and we know it's in a vault on Xandar.

We also know - from Kevin Feige - that the first five minutes of the film will see a huge act of destruction:

“Well, it’s certainly the biggest movie we’ve ever made. It is still shooting, we’ve been shooting all year long and Josh is doing an amazing job of playing Thanos. You know, we’ve been teasing Thanos since the very first Avengers film. Remember the end of Avengers, the very end of the movie he turns around in the chair and you realize something bad is coming. We’ve been teasing him for years and the trick is when you tease something for that long you have to deliver. So, within the first five minutes of Infinity War people will understand why Thanos is the biggest and baddest villain in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”

That should also be the reason the Guardians agree to join the Avengers (after initially meeting Thor), and it would certainly set Thanos' stall out early.


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