Avengers: Infinity War - 11 More Characters' Fates Revealed (And What They Mean)
9. Korg & Miek
Status: Unknown (but probably ALIVE)
In the words of Joe Russo, the fate of Thor: Ragnarok's best characters at the minute is a “Spoiler," which presumably means they survived. Think about it, their deaths wouldn't be spoilers if everyone already assumes they're gone.
If they were dead and hadn't even been seen on-screen in Infinity War as corpses, it would have been remarkably unfair on the pair. But the reality is that they were probably in the half of the Asgardians that survived Thanos' attack and were allowed to escape.
And the fact that it was a spoiler suggests that we are going to see them again - hopefully helping boost out Thor's forces when it comes time to dance with Thanos again. Before that, we may even see the God Of Thunder settling his people again in a New Asgard.