Avengers: Infinity War - 13 Biggest Rumours You Need To See (May 15th)

7. Thanos Is The Main Character

Avengers Infinity War Thanos
Marvel Studios


We're going to end up sympathising with Thanos, if the focus of the film achieves its aim.

Despite the Avengers being the name above the door, Kevin Feige says that Thanos will be the main character of Infinity War (as revealed in his recent interview with Collider).

“Thanos in Infinity War is - in a movie that has a lot of characters, you could almost go so far as to say he is the main character, and that’s a bit of a departure from what we’ve done before, but that was appropriate for a movie called Infinity War."

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Of course, Feige might just be being poetic to sell how important Thanos is to the film's narrative, but it would make sense that we'd see most of the Infinity Arc play out from his perspective, given how little character development we've seen so far.

Plus, it would be impossible to focus on the quest for the Infinity Stones - which are spread out on Asgard, Xandar, Knowhere and somewhere else unrevealed, as well as Earth - purely from the Earth-bound Avengers' perspective. It makes far more sense for us to see Thanos' journey as it happens first hand.


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