Avengers: Infinity War - 13 Biggest Rumours You Need To See (May 15th)

6. It Might Actually End The Phases

marvel phase 4


As this is the climax of what has come so far in the MCU, Marvel are looking at what comes next, and it seems they aren't entirely committed to unveiling Phase 4 in the same episodic format as the last three phases.

That's what most people have taken from Kevin Feige's comments on the future:

"So, it really does right now all start with where we want to take the stories... and what happens after [Avengers 4] will be very different. I don’t know if it’s phase four. It might be a new thing."

Rating: 8/10

The phases format is actually quite limiting in terms of stand-alone movies, so it wouldn't come as a major surprise if Feige intends to move away from it. Sure, there would still be event movies, but having the conscious pressure to always tie each new film to one grand, over-arching narrative (even tenuously) has got to be frustrating.

Plus, this means we could potentially get to see more than one major story arc happening at the same time, as well as having braver - out of main canon - stand-alone stories like Blade or even Marvel Zombies.


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