Avengers: Infinity War - 15 Things Marvel Want You To Forget First

3. That The Nova Corps Matters

Nova Prime Glenn Close
Marvel Studios

When It Mattered

In the first Guardians Of The Galaxy, the Nova Corps on Xandar were a big deal: they were galactic protectors - a police force responsible for putting scum like the Guardians in really insecure prisons - who were eventually entrusted with the protection of the Power Stone after Ronan was defeated.

Even with a lot of their forces destroyed in the villain's attack on Xandar, they clearly had enough power to them to be deemed a strong enough force to protect the Stone. Otherwise, the Guardians literally discovered a Stone, found out Thanos wanted it (while one of them was fully aware of his plan to wipe out half of existence) and then put it on-show with a really weak security set-up.

But Now...

If rumours are to be believed, Thanos is going to brush aside the Nova Corps effortlessly and arrive at his first meeting with the Avengers and Guardians with the Power Stone already in his possession.

In other words, the supposed brilliant protective services of the Corps need to be completely ignored because they're inconvenient to Thanos' motivations. Which is presumably why they'll be hamstrung the same way Vision and Scarlet Witch were.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.