Avengers: Infinity War - 15 Things Marvel Want You To Forget First
4. That Spider-Man REALLY Isn't Old Enough
When It Mattered
Back at the start of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Tony Stark very clearly gave Spidey the brush-off when he asked him about becoming an Avenger full-time. Stark's reasoning was that he wasn't ready, that he was too young, that he wasn't ever in any real threat during the battle in Civil War because Cap would never hit a kid. That he was only there, by inference, as a battle nerf and wouldn't be ready for the big call for a while.
During the events of Homecoming, this was reiterated as Peter managed to cause a ferry disaster and generally wasn't that great a hero - mostly because of his lack of maturity and experience. Tony was right, in other words.
Then at the end, Peter came to the same conclusion: he needed to stay at school and deal with smaller scale heroics, rather than becoming an Avenger. Because he'd definitely die or something if he did.
But Now...
Apparently, in Infinity War, Spidey is no longer too young to be given an even more dangerous suit, go to space and become a full-blown Avenger. He achieves this, by the look of it, by accidentally surfing the Black Order's donut ship right off the planet Earth, which you'd normally think would be counted as one of those impulsive, reckless acts that Tony had said he needed to cut down on in Homecoming.
Ok, so Tony did come to the conclusion that Spidey could be an Avenger by the end of Homecoming, but you have to wonder whether that was more down to a lack of numbers than him really deserving it. And it's not like Peter shared his revelation at that point: by then, he was the one admitting he was too young.
But let's just forget that, ok?