Avengers: Infinity War - 23 WTF Moments

1. A Timely Mistake And A Space Pager?!

Captain Marvel

The post-credits scene for Infinity War is a great little sequence that introduces Captain Marvel as a character for Avengers 4 in a subtle way and also ties up Nick Fury and Maria Hill's stories (at least suggesting they're still operating as an underground sort of SHIELD off-shoot), but it has two big problems.

Firstly, the time between Hill getting the notification of the bogeys "over" Wakanda and the first disappearance of the victims in the car in front of them is way too short. In Wakanda, there's a huge gap between the ships appearing and Thanos snapping his fingers. So either time runs faster in New York or Hill's notification system is wildly off-the-pace.

And then there's the idea that Captain Marvel has always just been a space pager message away. Why wasn't she called upon when the Chitauri invaded? Or Ultron threatened to take over the world? Or Nick Fury needed allies in the wake of The Winter Soldier?

It had been assumed Marvel was UNABLE to simply return to Earth, but this changes everything and makes it look like she's just not that bothered to help. And Fury's distress call to her also fundamentally relies on her not randomly being clicked out of existence too - it's a fair old coincidence that she's not, to be honest, which is not how this should have gone down.

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