Avengers: Infinity War - 23 WTF Moments

21. Xandar Is Ravaged Off-Screen

Nova Prime Glenn Close
Marvel Studios

Obviously, Infinity War couldn't have been four hours long (though you suspect we'd have all watched it anyway without too many complaints), so some story streamlining was inevitable. But it's hard not to think that Xandar and the Nova Corps were completely screwed by the opening of the film.

Thanos simply turns up with the Power Stone already in his possession and Thor mentions that he stole it "last week" when he sacked Xandar. Not only is it unclear how he knows this (presumably Thanos must have shown off before beating him up or something), but it's so throw-away and does the Nova Corps a serious disservice.

They were supposed to be the safe choice to protect the Stone and they ended up being so rubbish at that that their failure wasn't even deemed worthy of any screentime. Won't someone think of Glenn Close and John C Reilly?!


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